Jungle ChillTrek

Event details

  • November 13, 2021
  • All Day

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Forest Trail

All Day
November 13, 2021


Adventure Breaks

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Forest Trail

All Day
November 13, 2021


An easy hike through a tropical deciduous forest.

The trail winds through this pristine forest, cutting across stream beds. The are is lush with hardwood trees and lots of undergrowth. The silence is peered with bird call and occasional rustles of bigger animals which are difficult to spot in the foliage.

Lunch is served along a river bank before the final stretch.

Location – North East Goa
Distance – approximately 5.5 km
Duration – approximately 4 hours, 1/2 day trek
Intensity – Easy to moderate
Fitness level required – you should be able to walk 3km in one hour

This experience will be modified after the monsoons. It is also dependent on the weather. In case of very heavy rains and the rise in water levels it may be modified or rescheduled.